Lead worship with confidence this SUNDAY
FREE GUIDE: Learn 6 Practices You Can Implement This Week To Lead Worship With Confidence
The Source Of Our Confidence
Discover biblically what our true source of confidence should be (get this wrong, and you'll be trapped in a dangerous place)
How To Deal With The Pressure
Debunk the #1 misconception of what a worship leader is supposed to do (that leads to unwarranted pressure)
What To Prioritize
Out of all the different weekly tasks you have to perform, be reminded about the one task that you simply cannot delegate to someone else
Let's get you leading with confidence so you can live out your calling and leave your mark!
In this FREE downloadable guide I will teach you:
An example of how to rehearse your Gospel identity
How to practice with intention so you can build the discipline of practicing through mistakes
How to instill confidence in your team (however big it is) and clear up confusion in your chord charts
Make a subtle shift from making music for the Lord to making music to the Lord
How to plan for healthy evaluation both individually and corporately so that your mistakes don't define you and your victories don't leave you complacent
Lead worship with confidence this week!
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